[[🔥 Scratchpad]] | [[Notes Should Surprise]] | [[List of Interview Problems]] Welcome! 👋🏼 I'm [Jakob Heuser](https://codedrift.com), and what you're looking at is my working notes; or at least these are the ones I've published. They're naturally messy, half-formed, and unpolished. But they're written for my future self and I need to live with all my typos. You can consider this an experiment in [[Learn in Public|Learning in Public]]. If you do spot something wrong you'd like to let me know about, a [Twitter DM](https://twitter.com/jakobo) will be the most efficient, though a discussion or issue opened up on [GitHub](https://github.com/jakobo/codedrift) also works. ## Where to Start The short answer is, wherever feels right for you. There's the graph view, but also below you'll see some areas of interest that are top of mind for me right now. * [[Force Multipliers]] and the idea of min-maxing my effort * [[Taskless]] which is the project currently getting the most attention * [[List of Interview Problems]] I'm collecting. I also try to identify the scoring criteria used on these questions * [[Goats of Saltmarsh]] the D&D campaign I DM for ## Housekeeping An external link [like this](https://example.com) is denoted with a "leave" icon. Otherwise, you can safely assume the link moves through this notes collection. Some things that you can't see in the published notes: * There's a "Housekeeping" section where I keep things like templates for [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md), making it easier for me to create bibliographical citations, scaffold an interview problem, etc * There's "Daily Notes" for daily working notes and jots. This is especially useful if something strikes me on mobile. Just knowing there's a place to put these things gets them out of my mind. I can always search it later. * There's a "Scratchpad" for longer term notes. Things like my current project's testing user id in development, or a reminder for how APA citation works.