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The beeps that boop. Posts about coding, the process, and the results.

First & Last In Tag Lists

(1 min read) As part of relaunching Codedrift on the Ghost platform, I wanted to make better looking tag sentences. This is the code that powers the tag segments in the "in X, but also Y, Z, & Q" format. There's an extra comma when the tag count is

Mocking AWS at the Network Level

(6 min read) We use AWS pretty heavily at Taskless, with their compute-on-demand making it easy for us to scale our bi-directional API Gateway from zero to thousands of concurrent requests with no additional effort. It's truly wonderful; that is, until it's time to write tests. The path most

Fetch all MongoDB Indexes for Mirroring to Another Database

(1 min read) I needed a reliable way to take the indexes from a staging instance and ensure they're replicated to production. The following _MONGOSH code loops over every collection and then every index in the collection, creating a "createIndex" command for each combination. This makes it trival to

Next.js Attempting to Pre-Render route.ts Files

(1 min read) Your route.js / route.ts likely needs to force dynamic rendering. export const dynamic = "force-dynamic"; Otherwise during the build process. Next will try and pre-render that page. That means it calls APIs, needs process.env, etc. It will do this even though route.* would lead you to believe

The End of expo-community-flipper

(3 min read) With the release of Expo 48, expo-community-flipper (gh) (npm) can finally declare its purpose fulfilled. A year ago, I was trying to debug redux inside of the Chrome Debugger and nearly lost my mind. It wasn't just a bad experience. It was an awful experience, defined by console.