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Next.js Attempting to Pre-Render route.ts Files

(1 min read) Your route.js / route.ts likely needs to force dynamic rendering. export const dynamic = "force-dynamic"; Otherwise during the build process. Next will try and pre-render that page. That means it calls APIs, needs process.env, etc. It will do this even though route.* would lead you to believe

Fast App Searching on Windows

(1 min read) ueli (MIT Licensed) is Alfred, but for those of us on Windows. With the most recent Win 11 builds, you can't just tap the windows key 🪟 and then begin typing what you want.

Patching the Windows 11 Start Menu

(1 min read) ExplorerPatcher can undo the majority of Windows 11 Start Menu crap you never asked for. Recommendations? Gone. Bing Search? Gone. I'm not asking for much here. I just want my "click here for programs" button to do what's on the tin.

How Vercel Gets Their Bundles Small

(1 min read) The @vercel/nft (Node File Trace) package is responsible for a lot of Vercel's bundling magic. It statically analyzes files and can find non-JS dependencies in the execution path by spotting filesystem intersections via readFile and readStream calls. The result of this call is a list of only

Desktop Mastodon Clients

(1 min read) When building things on my windows desktop, I prefer a power interface. Desktop workflows just work different than on mobile, and I could feel that difference every time I opened TweekDeck to do something on Twitter. I've been looking for the equivalent on Mastodon / Fedi clients for a